Welcome to Pilot Light’s Feeding Minds blog! Here, we get to tell the story of Food Education through in-depth stories from our classrooms, partnership spotlights, new program announcements, and opinion pieces from guest authors and the Pilot Light team. Join us in exploring the power of food to connect, excite, and empower us to build a better future together. 

July 21, 2016

By PilotLight

Ideas That Extend From Classrooms to Dinner Tables

With August right around the corner…school is almost back in session! The kiddos might feel bummed out at first, and don’t worry, there is still PLENTY of time to soak up the summer sun and spend time grilling and chilling by the beach. But parents and kids alike will be thrilled with Pilot Light programming


July 13, 2016

By PilotLight

Hidden Gems: Farmer’s Markets Found

By Brenna O’Dea One of my all time favorite memories from my childhood is spending Saturday morning at the farmer’s market. My tiny feet dangling from the stroller as my mom rolled me up and down the street, surrounded by more fruits and vegetables than I had ever seen before. I ate fresh blueberries until


July 6, 2016

By PilotLight

A Taste of Childhood: Pesto Pasta

Skeptical. Suspicious. Why are my noodles covered in this green GOOP? I wondered this nearly 20 years ago as I tasted my first forkful of pesto. Pleasantly surprised. My young taste buds do their best to decipher the flavors. A bit of salt. A bit of spice. Something entirely unfamiliar…(HINT HINT it’s basil). The texture.


June 29, 2016

By PilotLight

Red, White, Blue (and Green!) Pancakes: A Healthy Twist on Your 4th of July Breakfast

By Brenna O’Dea “Can I have a side of spinach with my pancakes please?” Said no kid ever. Well we’ve got a secret ingredient that is sure to jazz-up, and health-up your 4th of July morning! These are some of the fluffiest, tastiest pancakes around, and you (and your kids) will never guess what we


June 22, 2016

By PilotLight

Easy Ways to Curb Food Waste at Home

Americans throw out about $162 billion worth of food each year — which is nearly 40% of the food we grow and prepare in the U.S. in a year. According to NPR, that’s enough to fill 44 skyscrapers. Considering that about 70 percent of our water and 50 percent of our land is devoted to


June 15, 2016

By PilotLight

Empowering Students and Communities

Now that school’s out, the kids might not be in their classrooms but they’re applying what they learned with Pilot Light every day. That’s because we’re not only teaching kids about where their food comes from but also how to make good decisions. The healthy choices these students make outside the classroom affect their bodies,


June 8, 2016

By PilotLight

Mixing It Up: Making Your Own Trail Mix

Whether the kids are going out to summer camp or you’re looking for a healthy snack in the office, trail mix can give you a powerful pick-me-up outside the hiking trails. It’s convenient because it’s lightweight, easy to store, and full of nutrients. Trail mix is also a much healthier alternative to sugary snacks, which


June 1, 2016

By PilotLight

Sugar: The Hidden Ingredient in Everything

Sure, sugar’s sweet. But in great quantities, it can be harmful to both your mind and body. After feeling a rush, sugar can quickly sap your energy. While the recommended daily intake of sugar per day is 9 teaspoons for men and 6 for women, the average American consumes about 22 teaspoons of sugar a


May 25, 2016

By PilotLight

Food Education Embedded in Everyday Lessons

Because we are not an outside program, the food and nutrition education we provide is embedded in what the students are already learning through everyday subjects such as social studies, English, science, and math. Pilot Light provides teachers with the curriculum and materials they need to provide their students with food education lessons. As our


May 18, 2016

By PilotLight

Yusho’s Ramen Battles: Thinking Outside the Kitchen

Ramen is not just for college students. While it may seem like a simple noodle dish, it offers the creative freedom to explore different broths and ingredients as well as flavors and textures. In the heart of Logan Square, Yusho Japenese Grill and Noodle House has been hostingmonthly ramen battles since February 2014 to allow

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