FFVP Explorations Start this Month!
As students across the country sharpen their pencils and shine their shoes in preparation for the new school year, their teachers are hard at work readying their classroom for another year of learning. At Pilot Light, we are fortunate enough to work closely with teachers who are looking to bring new, exciting learning experiences to their students through food. One way Pilot Light teachers are switching up their curriculum this school year is through SnackTime Explorers! We are excited to welcome 15 new Lead Teachers in Michigan, Indiana, and Tennessee to this hands-on Food Education program in 2024-25.
About SnackTime Explorers Lead Teachers 
SnackTime Explorers is a groundbreaking hands-on educational toolkit designed in partnership between Pilot Light and FRESHEALTH. This toolkit and training program for teachers has been designed to supplement the USDA’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), which provides elementary schools with funding for fresh produce served in classrooms during the school day.
SnackTime Explorers transforms FFVP classroom tastings into multisensory learning experiences, transporting elementary students to the exciting world of fresh fruits and vegetables with the help of Puprika, Pilot Light’s puppy chef mascot.
This year, we are excited to welcome 14 new Lead Teachers to SnackTime Explorers. Over the course of the first 2024-25 school term, this group of educators will:
- Use SnackTime Explorers lessons and materials in their elementary school classrooms
- Attend three hours of professional development trainings aligned to Pilot Light’s Food Education Standards
- Support 2-3 additional teachers at their school in implementing SnackTime Explorers.
We are so excited to work with this new group of teacher leaders in the coming weeks!
Meet the Cohort
We are thrilled to bring this program to 11 new Midwest schools this year, as we continue to work on our SnackTime Explorers Expansion Plan.
This year’s Lead Teachers are:
- Tennessee: Hunter B. of Frayser-Corning Elementary, Carmella B. of LaRose Elementary, and Shana H. of Gardenview Elementary
- Indiana: Kenadee B. of Bridgeport Elementary, Shelby F., Caroline H., and Tiffany M. of Maplewood Elementary, and Laura H. of Garden City Elementary
- Michigan: Nicole B. of Hamilton Elementary, Jeanie B, Amy G., and Ann D. of Graham Elementary, Bethany C. of David Hicks Elementary, and Alison R. of Wildwood Elementary
I’m most looking forward to…
“Exploring food experiences and choices with [my] students!”
“Extending my knowledge on different foods and students passing it forward to those around them.”
“Seeing the kids’ reactions and input on things – [I] really want to hear their stories and experiences and see their excitement.”