Balanced Meal

a meal that contains the correct proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals to support good health.

Community Asset Mapping

identifying the strengths and resources of a particular geographic area in a visual representation that can be used to develop solutions to community challenges.

Chronic Hunger

long-term lack of sufficient access to food, leading to distress and larger health and well-being consequences.

Crop Rotation

the practice of growing different crops in the same areas in a sequence that helps reduce soil erosion, supports soil fertility and increases crop yield.


style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.


customs and beliefs that distinguish one group of people from another, passed on through language, ritual, religion, art, clothing, and cooking.

Emotional Health

ability to understand and be responsive to emotional experiences, and to be at ease with a full range of emotions.

Factory Farms

a production approach towards farm animals (mainly for meat, milk and eggs) that maximizes production at the lowest possible cost. Subject to criticism in regards to animal welfare, human health risks, and environmental impact.

Farmed Fishing

the production of fish for human consumption in controlled and high volume facilities. Health and environmental concerns include genetic modification, disease and parasites.

Farm Subsidies

governmental subsidies paid to agricultural businesses to supplement their income and manage the supply and cost of the goods they produce.


Food and Drug Administration, federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, responsible for promoting and protecting public health through the control and supervision of food safety, dietary supplements and prescription and over the counter drugs.

Food Behaviors

habits of food-related activities, including the ways in which individuals source, prepare and consume food.

Food Desert

urban geographic areas in which it is challenging to access affordable or good-quality fresh foods.

Food Equity

refers to access to healthy food, as affected by income, food knowledge, and the presence of food resources (i.e. grocery stores, farmers markets), amongst other influences.

Food Journal

detailed record of consumption of food and beverage over a period of time, typically for the purpose of tracking intake and/or identifying eating habits.

Food Service Provider

any business or institution responsible for the preparation of any meal outside of the home. Including restaurants, schools, catering companies, and hospital cafeterias.

Food Systems

all stages of food production, starting with growing, harvesting and processing, all the way through transportation, marketing and consumption.


(genetically modified organisms) living organisms that have had their DNA artificially manipulated through genetic engineering. Used in agriculture to produce crops with desired traits that are not naturally occuring.


conducive to a healthy state of body and/or mind.


the crossbreeding of plant species to produce certain characteristics, improve disease resistance, or increase climate resiliency.


current nutrition guide with suggested consumption proportions for the 5 food groups, from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. Replaced the former USDA food pyramid.


containing a high content of a range of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats.


depletion of the population of certain species of fish through overexploitation by the fishing industry, leading to potentially irreversible interruption of larger marine ecosystems.

Physical Health

well-being of one’s physical body, influenced by nutrition and diet, physical activity, medical care, and rest.


predictably recurring calendar of prime time frame for production for particular crops.

Short-term Hunger

experiencing temporary discomfort and/or distress due to a lack of sufficient access to food.


practices, agricultural or otherwise, that protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare.

Trade Agreements

negotiated terms dictating the acceptable exchange of goods and services amongst parties involved.


United States Department of Agriculture, responsible for developing and executing federal laws related to farming, forestry, and food.

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FES Cross-Curricular Standards Sources

Health Standards

Center for Disease Control/National Health Education Standards

Illinois State Board of Education PE/Health Learning Standards

English & Language Arts

Common Core


Common Core


Next Generation Science Standards

Social Science

Illinois State Board of Education


National Arts Standards

Social-Emotional Learning Standards

Illinois State Board of Education

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