Food Education Fellowship Free Info Session + Teacher Mixer
Date: March 11, 2024
Time: 3:30-5:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Join Pilot Light and SOFSA on 3/11/24 for light bites and the opportunity to meet with the Pilot Light team to hear stories from classrooms and ask questions about the Fellowship the application process.
The Food Education Fellowship is a year-long paid professional development opportunity for PreK-12 teachers interested in food as a medium for classroom learning. The Fellowship is currently in its 5th year and incorporates peer learning and monthly experts across the health, agriculture, food, education, social emotional learning, and social justice industries.
We hope to see you at this mixer to learn more about the Fellowship and discover ways Food Education can benefit your classroom on March 11, 2024! Click the button below to RSVP today!
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