2024-25 Fellow: Jennifer Bailey

2nd Grade Teacher in Cambridge, NY 

Argyle Central School

2024-25 Fellow: Jennifer Bailey has been teaching at Argyle Central School for more than twenty years. She first became interested in Pilot Light after a fellow New York Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year introduced her to it. She is looking forward to collaborating with other teachers who are passionate about matching up good food, nutrition, education, and fun in the classroom. Pilot Light seems like a wonderful addition to the agricultural science units that she teaches in grade two. Jen also runs an after school ag enrichment twice a month with grades 2-4. During this time, Ag Matrix lessons are combined with activities, food, and visits to local farms. 

Favorite Food Education Standard: FES #6: We can make informed food choices.

I love teaching that we can make positive and informed food choices. I think education is key to helping all people consider what benefits food has for us and how to fully enjoy all aspects of it–investigating , planning, growing, preparing or cooking, and eating it. I’d love to encourage people to be more mindful about their food choices.

A Favorite Food Memory or Recipe: 

We have grow towers in our classroom. I love when the children plant the seeds, watch the vegetables grow, correctly identify it in the tower, harvest and then proudly eat it. My students eat kale, arugula, spinach, chard, lettuce, and more straight from the tower, and often ask for salad parties! Although our harvests go to the school cafeteria for use in school lunches, the best part is when the students ask for bags of greens to take home for their families to enjoy.

What I’m Most Excited About as a New Fellow: 

I am most excited to learn and grow as an educator. I believe the opportunities that I can bring to my students this year will be supported and strengthened so much by this opportunity.

2024-25 Fellow Jennifer Bailey
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