Food Education is a vital part of students' development.

Since 2010, we have supported Pre-K-12 students with Food Education that is part of teachers’ classrooms and fosters informed food choices.

See the Impact
A member of the Pilot Light team works with elementary students during a special activity day.
We're Hiring!

Pilot Light is growing! We’re looking for a series of passionate individuals experience in Human Resources and Program Management to join our team of food lovers. Explore the open positions and apply today!

Open Positions

READ our 2023-24 Impact Report!

Last school year, we saw incredible growth and depth of understanding in our classrooms. Read our latest impact report to see the results of your support in action!


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Pilot Light has resources for educators, community members, and parents:

Highly motivated PreK–12 educators in the United States with an interest in implementing Pilot Light Food Education lessons consistently in their virtual and/or in-person classrooms are encouraged to learn more and apply for our Food Education Fellowship each spring.

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Educators, caregivers, and young people can also check out our free library of classroom-based and eLearning lessons, videos, and recipes, as well as advocacy lessons to bring Food Education anywhere!

Visit the Food Education Center

We host professional development aligned to state standards and our own Food Education Standards. Stay tuned to our Calendar for upcoming events!

Learn about the Food Education Standards here

We want to connect and collaborate with you! Want to know the latest from us, both inside the classroom and beyond?

We welcome you to sign up for our newsletter, contact us, and check out our blog!

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We are looking for individuals who are passionate about Food Education and creating impact through our programs to join our team! 

Careers Page

Food Education Standards

Our Food Education Standards are the first of their kind: a national, cohesive model designed by teachers and for teachers who integrate Food Education in their everyday classroom lessons in subjects such as Math, Reading, History, Science, and beyond.

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Our impact is measurable and growing. Help us expand our reach.

Our Impact

We've learned from past efforts and improved upon other approaches.

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Meet the team that supports our Pilot Light teachers and students.

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Two elementary students wearing sanitary gloves carefully slice potatoes to make homemade french fries in their classroom air fryer.

How to teach SpEd students using food

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"Food is a language all of its own." Food Education can connect teachers and students together in unexpected ways! One story from Monica Chamberlain, @mmaldrich5 Food Education Fellowship Alum & 6th grade teacher, demonstrates the unique way food can transform classrooms for learners of all abilities, backgrounds, and demographics:

“I have had students functioning at a kindergarten level all the way through 6th grade level in the same classroom…everyone had Food Education throughout the year,” despite the need to modify lessons to fit all of her students’ needs and abilities.

One of Monica’s students, Asher*, has verbal apraxia. “He knows what he wants to say, but he can’t always get it out,” says Chamberlain. “At the beginning of the year, I was like, ‘boy, how am I going to navigate this?`” The answer? Food Education.

“Food has definitely connected him and I, because food is a language all of its own. He worked with me all year long in the kitchen, creating life skills.” Together, Monica and Asher found common ground through the language of food.

*Student name has been changed to protect anonymity.
This month, we`re celebrating the incredible Special Education teachers we`ve been fortunate enough to work with through our Food Education Fellowship for National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Learn more about how these stellar educators use food to teach special education students on our blog at!

#spedteachers #spedteachersrock #classroomstories #specialeducation #nationaldevelopmentaldisabilitiesmonth #pilotlightchefs #foodeducation #apraxiaawareness #teaching #teachingstories #teacherspotlight #teachingwithfood #foodconnectsus #foodeducatesus

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🌟Today`s Fellow Friday Spotlight is on: Ms. Stone!

🏫 Ms. Stone has been teaching for 13 years. They first became interested in the Pilot Light Fellowship when her co-worker and Fellow Garden Gal (@okeeffesoe
School Garden), Claire O`Connor raved about her experience with the fellowship and they are looking forward to making the garden to classroom instruction connection during their time as a Fellow. As a preschool teacher, Ms. Stone has a passion for hands on, holistic and multidisciplinary learning opportunities. She is excited to focus more on science this school year and is eager to learn all she can during her time in the fellowship program.

🌱 Why Join the Fellowship?
"I am truly excited to learn! I have a bunch of ideas floating around in my mind but I want to stock up my teacher tool box with all the amazing resources and ideas that will be available to me."

💚 Food Education Love
"My favorite classroom food experience is "Ms. Stone`s Cooking Show!" Pre-pandemic on Friday`s I would try out simple recipes and food studies with my students. My favorite by far is making fresh guacamole! O`Keeffe plans on having a Salsa Garden every year for onsite ingredients."

Thank you for all of your work in this year`s Fellowship, Ms. Stone! 👏

#foodeducation #pilotlightchefs #teacherspotlight #teacherappreciation #foodeducatesus #teaching #foodmemories #foodknowledge #teachershoutout #teachingideas #teachingmethods #prekteachers #spedteachers #spedteachersrock #preschool

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