4th Grade French Teacher in Maplewood, MN – Mounds Park Academy
2023-24 Fellow: Liz DesLauriers has been teaching for 19 years. She first became interested in the Pilot Light Fellowship when a colleague encouraged her to apply. Liz is looking forward to collaborating with a cohort of passionate educators who understand the value and potential of Food Education. She uses Food Education as a cornerstone to her robust French curriculum and is looking forward to deepening her knowledge on Food Education.
Favorite Food Education Standard: FES #1: Food Connects Us to Each Other.
When we share a meal, we are sharing ourselves. Perhaps we are sharing a piece of our culture or heritage or perhaps we are just sharing our love for something. When food is made with love and eaten with others, it nourishes our souls.
A Favorite Food Memory or Recipe:
When we went on camping and canoeing trips as a kid my dad would make salami and sprout sandwiches. While not a gourmet recipe, the feeling I had while eating this sandwich with my legs propped up on the bow of the canoe comes rushing back every time I taste one. Now, I make these sandwiches for my own children for our camping and canoeing trips.
Why I Became a Fellow:
I am most excited to work with a community of professionals as I refine how I use food in my classroom. It’s exciting to create and execute new and engaging lessons in my classroom.