Preschool/2nd-5th Grade After School Program Teacher in Wilmington, DE – Wilmington Friends School
2023-24 Fellow: Lisa Morgan has been teaching at Wilmington Friends School since 2006 as a Preschool Teacher and Summer Camp Director. She was introduced to the Pilot Light Fellowship by a colleague who is still actively participating. What peaked her interest was a desire to be more detailed in working with small children around food and healthy food choices.
Lisa has watched for years how poor quality foods were introduced into lower income communities and the devastation that these introductions have made. Families feel they have to accept poor quality foods. It is her hope and dream that the knowledge she acquires through the Food Education Fellowship will allow her to grow a vegetable garden in her old neighborhood. She also hopes to be a vessel of wisdom to help people see that our food choices matter. Lisa is looking forward to growing on this new journey of food, health, and wellness. She is very thankful for this opportunity.
Favorite Food Education Standard: FES #1: Food Connects Us to Each Other.
FES #1 resonates with me because our family/friend cookouts and gatherings were always surrounded my food and fellowship. Coming together as a family is always the best. Neighbors would always stop by our house when they knew that my dad and mom were preparing a cookout.
A Favorite Food Memory or Recipe:
Favorite memory is watching my mother and grandmother cook southern foods at family gatherings. And seeking to lick the batter from the bowl of my mother’s 1-2-3 cake.
Why I Became a Fellow:
I am most excited about this program because I will get to learn and teach about healthy foods and how it always connects us to each other for the better. I am also excited about helping early learners understand our food connections.